Pozdrav apostolskega nuncija v Sloveniji ob začetku svete maše za pokojnega zaslužnega papeža Benedikta XVI.

Foto: Rok Mihevc / SŠK Foto: Rok Mihevc / SŠK

Visoki predstavniki slovenske oblasti,
civilni in verski voditelji,
katoliške sestre in bratje,
gospe in gospodje,

Z žalostjo v srcu se vam zahvaljujem za navzočnost pri tej maši zadušnici za pokojnega zaslužnega papeža Benedikta XVI.

V mladosti sem bil njegov učenec in v času svojega dela na državnem tajništvu njegov tesni sodelavec. Poleg tega sem ga tudi spremljal na več njegovih apostolskih potovanjih. Bil sem ponosen, da mu lahko služim in po njem tudi Cerkvi.

Tega papeža vsak od nas doživlja po svoje, vsi pa se nedvomno strinjamo, da je bil edinstvena osebnost, da je gojil globoko teološko misel in da nas njegova močna intuicija navdihuje še danes. V teh negotovih in zapletenih časih je mnogim ljudem pomagal na njihovi človeški poti in pri poglabljanju vere. V njegovi osebi in njegovem nauku skušajmo videti in živeti tisto, kar je najboljše v nas, in se vrnimo v središče nas samih, ki je Bog.

S ponižnostjo v srcu začnimo to mašo zadušnico.

Msgr. Jean-Marie Speich
Apostolski nuncij

High Slovenian Authorities present,
Civil and religious leaders,
Catholic sisters and brothers,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my sad duty to thank you for your presence this evening at this Requiem Eucharist for the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

I was his student in my youth and his close collaborator during my time at the Secretariat of State, not to mention the fact that I accompanied him on several of his apostolic journeys. I was proud to serve him and to serve the Church through him.

Each of us has his own perception of this Pontiff, but it is indisputable that we agree on his unique personality, on the depth of his theological thought and on some of his intuitions that still inspire today. In our uncertain and complex times, he has helped many people in their human journey and in the deepening of their faith. Through his person and his teaching, let us seek to see and live what is best in us, and, why not, to return to the center, to the center of ourselves which is God.

Let us now enter with humility in this Requiem Mass.